Here are some great books to read with your class ...

I love the sight word book "Where Was Jesus" from Hubbards Cupboard. There are some great craft ideas on this page as well. Check out these Sun Catchers!
There are also some great songs at the bottom of the page.
Christian Preschool Printables has some great resources as well. The picture quality that I have here isn't that great so click on the link to take a look.
Make your own Resurrection eggs ...

Easter memory match ... I just make one copy, cut them apart and use them in my writing center with Deedee Wills Writing Workstations for April.

Ok ... time for me to decide what I'm doing tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have some pictures up soon. If not, I know I'll have some time over spring break (3 MORE DAYS!!!!)
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! Philippians 4:13
Hi Becky - Love your book choices and bible verses. I teach first in CA. Just found you and am your newest follower. :o) Come visit me when you get a chance.
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After